Certified and top motivated employees
Our employees are key to the high quality of our work. All processes in the production is carried out by employees who are certified to do so. Add to this, each and every employee of JP Industri share the company’s ambitions to deliver top results every time.
Certifications and Approvals at JP Industri
Welding processes:
Hand- and orbital welding processes at JP Industri is qualified by EN 15614-1 and PED 97/23/EC
JP Industri welders are qualified by EN 287-1 / EN 1418 and PED 97/23/EC.
Products for food:
JP Industri is approved by the Food Administration to manufacture components that come in contact with food.
Danish Veterinaty and Food Administration Inspection Report:
Re-stamping of materials:
JP Industri is authorized to re-stamp materials where TÜV or the customer requires documentation of material.
ISO 9001 & ISO 14001
JP Industri is ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified.